缪勒教授是西方学术界公认的梵语大师,他对印度宗教、神话、哲学、语言等都有深湛的研究,也是西方学术领域中印度研究与宗教比较等学科的奠基者之一,净土经文的译本收录于其主编的《The Sacred Books of the East》第49册,上述经文,在缪勒译本中如下:
Beings are not born in that Buddha country of the Tathagata Amitayus as a reward and result of good works
performed in this present life.No, whatever son or daughter of a family shall hear the name of the blessed
Amitayus, the Tathagata, and having heard it, shall keep it in mind, and with thoughts undisturbed shall keep it
in mind for one, two, three, four, five, six or seven nights—when that son or daughter of a family comes to die, then that Amitayus, the Tathagata, surrounded by an
assembly of disciples and followed by a host of Bodhisattvas, will stand before them at their hour of death, and
they will depart this life with tranquil minds. After their death they will be born in the world Sukhavati in the
Buddha country of the same Amitayus, the Tathagata.[1]
从译文中明显看出,“乃至十念”是“这样的想法即使只重复十次”,是在思维层面的,并不是口念名号。“for that purpose bring their stock of merit to maturity”,笔者将其译为:“以圆满修德为目的”,我们往生的目的,就是去圆满自己的修德,好开显出自身的性德,然后去普度众生。所以净土宗与神教是有本质区别的,你去极乐,不是去享福,而是要在那里精进修行的,这点和天堂的终极享乐主义思想完全不同。