from Venerable Master Hsuan Hua's talk given in 1994:
Chapter 6。 - Next Life,I Want to Be a Siamese Twin
The opinion I just expressed is not at all over-stated,and I am certainly not scolding people。 Such depraved behavior actually does go on in Buddhism,and that is why Buddhism cannot prosper。
Although I could have avoided mentioning that matter,there is another,more serious issue concerning all mankind,which I must bring up。 That is,homosexuals nowadays are getting more rampant all the time。 In New York and San Francisco,for instance,there are several hundred thousand homosexuals。 These days,even government officials openly admit to being homosexual,support homosexuality,and proclaim that the society should support homosexual marriages。 You should know that homosexuality is an evil practice which goes against the principles of Heaven and Earth and contradicts human obligations。 Behind it are demons,ghosts,and goblins egging people on,fanning the flames,telling people to head straight for the gates of the hells。
Earlier I mentioned the stupid love between a man and a woman,and their oath,"In the heavens,we vow to be birds who share a wing。 On the earth,we vow to be trees whose branches intertwine。" The marriage of a man and a woman is the accepted custom everywhere。 As it is said,"The matter between a man and a woman is the great obligation of mankind。" If you're following the road of birth and death,then getting married and having children does not go against the way of Heaven。 On the other hand,homosexuality is a perverted behavior which contradicts natural law,human ethics,and biological structure。 Its retribution is to be born as a Siamese twin in the next life。 In the world now,we have heard about the birth of Siamese twins for some time。 In the near future,many Siamese animal twins will appear。 Since these people have committed perverse acts of evil and engaged in the most vulgar and depraved sort of conduct,they will inevitably undergo rebirth in the lower path of animals。
中国上海的郑先生:我的第四个问题可能更敏感些,是有关同性恋的,最近有不少西方政客指责yi si lan教对同性恋不宽容。但当今社会,同性恋已不少见,科学的讲同性恋不是道德问题而是心理问题,主要是由于年幼时不正确的性认识或受外部刺激造成的。请问伊朗社会是如何对待一个同性恋者的呢?
答:关于郑先生提出的第四个问题可以说,西方政客的指责并不是人人都必须接受和遵守的金科玉律。一些西方政客为了拉选票,刻意地去昧著良心发表一些谬论,做出一些荒谬的事是经常会发生的。yi si lan教认为,无论同性恋属于道德问题还是心理问题都是遭谴责和受到禁止的。这是因为同性恋完全违背人的天性和伦理道德,它将给人类社会造成极为严重的不良后果,其中之一就是今天在整个世界范围内肆虐的爱滋病。爱滋病今天已经给世界许多国家造成了极其严重的经济、社会、文化和家庭zai 难。因此要想防微杜渐,防患于未然最好的方法就是从源头治起,坚决反对西方的性开放和同性恋这些严重危害人类社会安全与健康的毒素蔓延。古兰经中讲道:在人类早期的先知中,先知鲁特的族人因大搞同性恋,不听先知鲁特的劝告,最终遭到了真主的天谴和严厉惩罚。因此,当今时代的人类应以史为鉴,还人类一个健康纯洁的社会。
‘我们从圣经中知道上帝起初创造了Adam and Eve,而不是Adam and Steve。’ 亚美尼亚主教Aris Sharvanian谴责同性恋违反了上帝创造的秩序。回教领袖Sheikh Abed el-Salem Menasra表示:‘不要令上帝发怒。如果我们让人们向著错误的方向走,我们会失去这个城市。而且这里将没有任何圣洁可言。我们会力阻止这次游行。’